Saturday, November 19, 2011

god bless America

For the record I have NOT changed my mind, changed my song or drastically made any different choices. I have been the patriot, the 99% from the start. I hung a flag at my home before it was 'fashionable'. I shop locally at farmers markets and dare not to be a wasteful wanton fool who chased the fortune of others.

You cant shop at and support big corporations with your purchases putting your own neighbors out of business and then cry fowl because there is no work. You cant buy foreign products and then cry there is no work, or that there is lead poisoning you and your children from the imported products. No one will listen anyway. Certainly not me or any other patriot.

The day to day choices WE MADE have put us WHERE WE ARE. MAKE BETTER CHOICES! Its that simple. You dont need a tent or a picket sign, you need to put your own ass on the line by making better choices. Go stand in line to speak to your state rep and congressman, get out and vote, watch the debates and look for who voted when and for what and hold them accountable. If you don't like the law, challenge it in court. I DID and that's why MY STATE HAS STALKING LAWS and DOMESTIC abuse staff on call. Holding a sign is the easy road. Dishonoring those who fight for your rights is cowardly, not courageous.

You don't like the education system? HOME SCHOOL. You don't like the 10 years old in some other country making your shirts for 3 cents a day when you pay $35 STOP BUYING THEM. Make your own from American fabric. it takes 1 hour to make a shirt and 2 hours to get through the mall shops.

You don't like our American farmers tossing all our produce into the ocean? BUY LOCAL.
You don't like the big corporation being rich?? .. ! but SOMEONE is standing in line for an $8.00 Latte .. and it isn't me, and it isn't our servicemen, my father and uncles, who are out there trying to keep us safe in good faith moving at the whim of YOUR ELECTED PRESIDENTS.

You cant break the law YOU PUT IN TO PLACE with your vote (or lack there-of) and expect not to be held accountable. YOUR CHOICES ARE WHAT GOT YOU HERE. Make better choices.

I don't want a gang of hooligans outside my door pitching a tent in my park, crapping in the bushes, and spreading their disease because they were too fat and lazy to vote the last 12 years in a row.

Who was it that got on the band wagon to send millions or billions to other countries to 'save the peoples' knowing that the governments of those peoples were murderous thugs? Not me. So, get off my lawn.

Im sick of your complaining and whining, get up off your ass and do something constructive to build your own nation. Anyone who has not sat in on their local governmental or school committee meeting should shut up and sit down. YOU DID THIS to us with your lazy ass sitting watching the commercials and rushing out to buy buy buy, that is why you dont have money in your pocket. Go sell your crap on ebay via paypal (which the real patriots boycotted when they put our businesses under ten years ago)

Your waked up now, are you? And you want to be heard? We dont want to hear you, we warned you. YOU DID THIS. SHUT UP AND TAKE ACTION. MAKE A GOOD CHOICE for a change. It all started with YOU.

Anyone who feels they have something to challenge or add is free to debate with me on air. I can hold my own, because Im not a coward who blames others .. I am AMERICAN .. and I don't have to hide behind a mask, sign, or in a crowd anonymously.

You can find me 6 days a week at

1 comment:

  1. 99% my A$$ its just another FAD for corporate greed capitalize on

