Tuesday, October 29, 2013

feminist, marxist, communist, prude ....

what a quest .. I used to be SURE I was a democrat ... We had a DEMOCRACY in our home. I had two girls and two boys and when either group tried to pass a family by-law I was the deciding factor. We voted in such things as "If anyone brings chocolate into the house all females get a first choice taste testing" and things like "Only boys take out the garbage" and to be fair, "Only Girls wash dishes" but later threw in "ONLY boys wash PANS" and Only boys put dishes away"
Yep, I gave my little ones first hand experience on how distorted the things that SEEM FAIR can be when cunning is involved.
Politically, I thought for a long time I was a socialist with such core beleifs as "We ARE our brothers (and sisters') keepers. We are responsible for those in our social circles and society that are unable to take care of themselves. This meant the young, the old and the disabled, but excluded the drug addicts and thieves that destroyed their lives on purpose through decision making.
Yes, politics is a tough one and getting to the core of the new group the "TEA PARTY" I thought oh! This might be it! here are their core beleifs:

1. Illegal aliens are here illegally.
2. Pro-domestic employment is indispensable.
3. A strong military is essential.
4. Special interests must be eliminated.
5. Gun ownership is sacred.
6. Government must be downsized.
7. The national budget must be balanced.
8. Deficit spending must end.
9. Bailout and stimulus plans are illegal.
10. Reducing personal income taxes is a must.
11. Reducing business income taxes is mandatory.
12. Political offices must be available to average citizens.
13. Intrusive government must be stopped.
14. English as our core language is required.
15. Traditional family values are encouraged.

But being a loyalist I threw that idea under the buss when I read one of their members is calling for the death of our leader and his family which I did NOT appreciate.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/12/20/jules-manson-obama_n_1161044.html 

There is no sense investigating beyond the fact that Republicans are greedy war mongers, or that Conservatives are irresponsible and Liberals are contentious, none of which I want to identify with.
I proposed a new political class; a global party who live and walk the balance of fairness, personal responsibility and self-restraint. I look forward to the day when the world government holds the key to freedom and fairness, when everyone rejects both the 'red and blue pills' and lives in the reality of our connectedness to one another. We will call our new party, our new political race HUMAN.

“Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody expects of you. Never excuse yourself.” 

― Henry Ward Beecher 

Join us in sharing your thoughts and enlightening information on ILNRADIO returning Jan 2014 to the Gemjin global digital platform. Talk soon!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Nuclear accident, inevitable?

Fukushima, is a nuclear accident inevitable in your area?


One third of Americans  live within 50 miles of a nuclear reactor. Insurance companies in the United States do not cover property contaminated by nuclear materials. If your house is affected, you could be displaced permanently and lose everything.  
FEMA covers some loss based on certain disasters. The pfd FEMA published here:  http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/is/IS208A/08_SDM_Unit_07_508.pdf states:
"A major disaster, as defined by the Stafford Act, is any natural catastrophe, or regardless of 
cause, any fire, flood, or explosion, which in the determination of the President causes 
damage of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant major disaster assistance to 
supplement efforts and available resources of States, local government, and disaster relief 
organizations in alleviating the damage, loss, hardship, or suffering caused by the disaster."
Neither expressly including or excluding what I will dub NUCLEAR LOSS.  On page 43 of the article 'natural' and 'man-made' are put into a chart that implys because nuclear loss is man-made it is not covered. The only slight illusion to protection one gets is the minor 'regardless of cause' clause in that one parragraph. Scary isnt it? 

Use the tool on PSR.org here: http://www.psr.org/resources/evacuation-zone-nuclear-reactors.html?gclid=CIyIn5rn3bkCFc2f4AodbVYAFQ to find out if you are within an evacuation zone and are at risk.  Also notice the number of people who would have to be evacuated if there was an accident at the plant closest to you.

Gathering information to be prepared is the most responsible thing you can do. Prayer, meditation, and energy work can help you and your family stay calm durring trying times. Be prepared for the worst possible case scenario you can handle within your community, and trust that FEMA is working hard to get ahead of any wost case scenario.  For information on Reiki Treatments, Training, and Energy sessions please visit www.MasterLucy.com For inormation on the hard work the members of FEMA are doing visit them at http://www.fema.gov/about-fema

Lucy Diamond
Reiki Master www.masterlucy.com

Friday, May 10, 2013

What an eye!" "A blessed omen for sure! and so true (the message)"

see why others are saying what they say.
"A perfect exmple of artistic vision. What an eye!"
"A blessed omen for sure! and so true (the message)"

view the video on youtube:

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Is drama that much more common in black people's lives than white people's

Upriser.com put this photo out and this situation is a perfect example of something very very wrong with America. Some ideology has invaded our souls, conscience, and understanding. 

The first statement I heard from this man on broadcast TV was that when he "saw a pretty little white woman run into the arms of a black man, I knew something was really wrong". 
The fact that he recognized color before any other 'marker' stands out. Did he notice her sreaming and panic and what she was saying to him? Did that not 'red flag' something wrong for him? Is drama that much more common in black people's lives than white peoples that he didnt notice her demeanor? 

In the early part of the this year (2013) a state right here in the USA declaired slavery illegal. Do you find it appauling that a person could live in a state where conscience has no bearing in a relationship between humans? [On feb 18 2013, ABC news covered the story here: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2013/02/mississippi-officially-abolishes-slavery-ratifies-13th-amendment/]

Is anyone else sick of talking about color and minorities?

 In new york the MINORITY was caluclated at 80%. How is that a minority? Why is that old issue still allowed to be an issue? We have more important things to attend to as a society. 

The moral fibre of our country is diplayed every day through the work of our fire fighters, teachers, and city counselman; By the doctors, lawyers and manufacturers in our communities. By turning down the reward this man proves that color has no bearing on the moral fibre of America. 

 That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Be brave. 

Freelance consultant

www.masterlucy.com Founder www.IntuitiveLifeNetwork.org Digital Designer, Promotion specialist 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

'threat avoiders' in the positive

Did any of you online catch the manipulative neuro linguistic programming being injected into the self-discovery conversation? Not on-line, YOUR INTERNAL conversation. Read this first ...

Bolls research also looked at how people with different personality types use online media sources differently.
His results suggest there are two types of online media consumers. The first have "reward-seeking" personalities and are more likely to read news online or on mobile devices. They're also likely to engage with websites by leaving comments on stories and uploading user-generated content.
Bolls calls the second type of consumers "threat avoiders." Those individuals may passively view news online from time to time, but don't seek out online news or stay on sites as long as reward seekers do. ~Mashable http://mashable.com/2013/03/08/brain-friendly-website-design/

Ahh the power of 'yellow journalism' and  unspoken connotations!! "Reward seeking" implies 'needy', in the negative and those of you who are professional on-line engagers. A news commentary put a label on a broad group of on-liners by describing them as 'lonely' people who need to get a life. We have two whole generations that grew up digitally adept and I wonder: do you take personal offense to the 'older generation' labeling your skill-set and life-style in the negative?

Social network marketing success is imperative to the success of virtual finance and will be for as long as the web is alive and free. It will always grow. In light of that fact, do you wonder how many non-engagers are actually afraid to engage and afraid to leave evidence of their consciousness? Is this not self-doubt and self-loathing at it's finest? Are those who stay silent, hidden, and anonymous MORE or LESS likely to go mad, unchecked ..... ? who knows what?  ...

Freedom of conscience is imperative for all freedom especially that of self expression.  Do you feel our society is being 'programmed' to shut up, be afraid, and stay disconnected?

Lou C Diamond
www.masterlucy.com Founder of New England SEERs psychic guild Master Lucy is availabel for Readings, Reiki and one on one sessions via skype* telephone* available for travel *group session price *booking now  

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

think local act local

If life had a reset button, how many times would it be pushed? If life had a do-over toggle, how many times would that breaker be flipped?

School Security should be up to the principles. Each area is different and no one knows better than the Principle and the PTO what kind of measures need to be taken. We don't need big government in our school security conversations in my opinion. When big government put the no child left behind act, when they cut funding for sports and music, when they began to make generalized decisions that negatively affect generations of children, they make BIG mistakes. Local mistakes stay local.

 Local government isn't perfect. I don't think funding schools with gambling profits from lottery tickets is a grand idea at all, but the local problem has a local solution and THAT works for me.
