Friday, October 28, 2011

careful what you wish for 'anonymous'

There is a statement on this page linked here: Glenn Greenwald is the guy's name ..

" that law is no longer what it was intended to be - a set of rules equally binding everyone to ensure that outcome inequalities are at least legitimate - and instead has become the opposite: a tool used by the politically and financially powerful to entrench their own power and control the society. "


We all know that the government is developing 'truth detection machines" to discern the law so that 80-103 year old judges wont be doing that for us in the future (between chemo and dialysis treatment. )

The gears have already been set and change is in motion. As i have stated in previous blogs, you cant jump off a train going full speed, and you dont want one going full speed, you want to be in control of your destination.

If we hurry along and try to prosecute and destroy we are still as reckless as we were lazy. We can make small changes and adjustments to our own homes/lives and communities that sum up the difference we seek.

If we go off half cocked trying to prosecute everyone on wall street and in congress we will end up like the lessons we learned from the Chinese history where everyone suffers equally. That is not our goal as a people.

Where are the leaders? Who ever you are, where ever you are stand up and be heard. Lead already.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


“Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are t...he beginning of birth pains.

9 “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come
· ·
But this shall be the covenant that I will make with my people; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

RT anonymous update TRANSLATE

When this whole things started my counsel then was to shut up sit down and go home, remember? If you are ready to reason here it is.

We can not force the media to cover anything. They dont care what you are interested in. Even good, modern, generation x media MUST obey the law enforcement. (see link for evidence of trusted media example)

I urge everyone to shut up, go home and sit down.

One 99% Party went to the bank to cause trouble a week or so ago and I posted that information to my social sites for you here it is again:

As you know, the Bank of America holds more than its fair share of mortgages. Rumors of threats of them not accepting payment on mortgages floated as several major banking institutions responded. Account letters went out to hundreds of thousands of Americans letting them know that their banking privileged can be revoked at any time. No outline of how your money would be handled, or how your mortgage will be held.

Face-it. The 99% can, under the homeland security act be held liable as potential terrorists; especially when some of them are out there throwing bottles and rocks like we live in a third world country or something. You get what you give. What goes around comes around, if you throw rocks you get tear gas and rubber bullets. Our forces will not be trifled with, do not trifle with them is my advise.
Here is evidence that I am right:


Discover what power you have or do not have. You do not have the power to over throw our government in the street America. Wake up. WE ARE AMERICA. WE Are our Governemnt. WE DID THIS. NOW WE MUST UNDO IT THE SAME WAY.

Quietly in our own homes, make every day choices that return power to our hands. GO HOME AND GOVERN YOURSELF.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lou C's Dime put ur 2 cents in here ...: A Cure for Camel Toe? ... WTF? really?

Lou C's Dime put ur 2 cents in here ...: A Cure for Camel Toe? ... WTF? really?

A Cure for Camel Toe? ... WTF? really?

RECENT QUOTES on the topic from the'EXPERTS'

That's right, our society, our generation will be known for producing the inventors of the cure for .. no no .. not Polio, ... not rabies, .. no no .. not the flue .. but you guessed it, CAMEL TOE.

The phrase refers to the fleshy part of of a woman's pelvic area when tight, thin or clinging bottoms are worn. The 'condition' has been joked about, laughed about and posted all over the web with witty quips and quotes.

“A staggering 55% of women, irrespective of age, size or weight, experience camel toe at some point.”

“Many women have even gone to extreme lengths to rectify the camel toe problem, resorting to expensive and risky surgery.”

No Laughing Matter

A recent quote from a prolific poster on one of my social sites says: "I wonder if Camels go around saying oh no I have p^ssy feet" and I admit it gives a giggle but is surgery going too far?

I for one am totally disgusted with the entire 'consumer mind' gotta have, gotta get, and get more. It wouldn't be so bad if our communities were not all capped off with mile high mounds of garbage! There are sure to be pounds and pounds of these babies in our land fills. I hope from the other side we get to witness our great grandchildren discovering these in our land fills. The world's leading experts in all things of the 21st century who will have been educated in the world's top schools with the highest government clearances will be standing at the podium someday describing this artifact and the horrors women put them selves through with ridiculous surgery. I hope we laugh as we peer through the veil.

I think its a great item for a #BOYCOTT. What do YOU think?


Lou C Diamond, ©2011 Choice Treasures all rights reserved LouC Diamond is Founder Intuitive Life Network << affordable advertising and promotion

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

we ARE the vine

The fine line we walk as communal beings, or humans, is such a scary road at times. Not only the amazing flight of success that causes the once vocal in truth and friendship to turn into jealous haters, but the hardest days as well.

I was listening to a show broadcast by someone I respect immensely; who was ranting about how their spouse comes home from work with some problems of a co-worker lodged in their heart and replied, it isn't your problem you have to let it go. The guest on the show went so far as to say that you need to cut those negative people out of your life.

The whole consept perplexes me. The last thing a friend does at a time when a person is low is tell them to fuck off. I think. I think to do that is to not have any righteousness in your heart. It lacks the unity in community. It is un-christian and it was a christian show I was listening to. Perplexing.

There is a story in the christian bible about two brothers Cain and Abel. One brother kills the other because he is jealous and god says "where is your brother" to which he replies AM I MY BROTHERS KEEPER?

The answer is YES.

We are each others keepers that's what a community is. Statistics show the death rate from suicide in the U.S. from 1950 to 2007. In 1950, there were 13.2 deaths by suicide per 100,000 resident populaton in the U.S. (so says DowJones) so ...

On the other hand, when hard times strike the hearts of men, we have no time to sift through false branches to find one to cling to. It is better if the weak fuck off and leave the real resources and true friends, strong branches easier to identify in those hazy desperate human times.

We are here for a short time. We live for a blink of an eye. People come and go. We are accountable for how we affect others, even if it is for causing the disillusionment of friendship.

There are no secrets; and as the next generation, who are much more spiritually conscious and progressively so, as the years go by will see into the hearts of one another as though they are transparent.

Look closely and you will see too. Cut off the weak branches that only take resources and never give fruit, Cut them off BEFORE you are hungry.

To all those who have been desperate, too sad to breathe, too stressed to think, too hungry to chew, too tired to work, too scared to choose, I'm glad your here and I like you just the way you are! Believe the hard times will pass because they always do; and we will be here to cheer each other on and reach for the sun like the strong branches that we always.

Dedicated to: Kevin, Terry, Jody, Mona, Richard, John, Ray, Jean, Joan, Tammy, Jeff and Randy; stars that shine so bright they shine but half as long. ... I miss you all. May all your time be spent swimming in the bright sun now, and all the branches near you be strong

should I run for office? rant rant rant

The first thing we need to do is remove the taxes on shit like hair spray, and then tax the manufacturers of the hair spray on every item sold so THEY PAY for the clean up costs in air pollution. Not just hair spray, but all the shit we are taxed on from toothbrushes and paste, tweezers, razors, shave cream, paper towels, DIAPERS!
who the hell voted we tax diapers?

NO TAX ON TOILET PAPER for real we are taxed to whipe our ass. So the paper companies should be paying the taxes that fund the water clean up and removing that stuff from our DRINKING WATER that we pay for quarterly!

Remove the utility tax too!!! its unfair. I cant live off the hand pumped well in my over taxed backyard property, a fireplace and solar candles because we are required to have running hot and cold water in our homes bay laws.

Any law that requires us to purchase something, that something should not be taxed.

... campaign contributors for that though .. NIL

The first job to cut is the TRUANT OFFICERS how much will that save every state? It should be the family's responsibility to decide if their child is educated by the state and how. If a kid doesn't want to be in school and he gets dragged in by a truant officer and sits there and aggravates the kids that are there to learn, the teachers the staff, and brings vodka to school in a water bottle WHY DOES THAT have to be my problem? or the problem of my student? You can not force anyone to learn.
Maybe we can save a lot of money opening a school for people who don't want to learn so we can discover what the hell they DO want to do so they can contribute to society someday.

I dont care if the candidates running for office ball a different chick every day after cocktail hour, what brand name suit they wear or what posh restaurant they eat in, I dont care if a company pays them homage by sending them and their families on exotic vacations, what I care about is do you represent THE PEOPLE who are living working and dying in your community every day. Do they have enough real life experience to make good arguments on why to protect the people of the country, our assets, our hopes and our future: that's what is important to me.
what is important to you?
Link me to your blog or comment in the field below.

Monday, October 17, 2011

We have come to a cross road

Together we have reached all of the goals set out for the community platform "Gemjin".

* We reached the top 1% for UK and top 10% on globally recognized statistical rankings,
* Published a Mix Tape CD
* Produced an on location music video
* Conducted video interviews
* Expanded to Gemjin TV
* Produced Internationally sourced shows
* Successfully produced results from targeted (International) marketing projects
* Successfully promoted scores of careers for musicians, artists, photographers, bloggers, writers, authors, speakers, teachers, and developers; who give testimony of the enhancements in their careers on the Gemjin website.

Gemjin has been a fun and rewarding project for me as Director of It was an opportunity for me to exercise all of the skills developed since 1987 with Choice Treasures marketing and introductions services. I am very proud of myself and of all of you.

Thank you to the angels that stick closer than brothers: I appreciate every person that encouraged the work we were able to accomplish. We have shows that represent the music, customs, religions and views from around the world. There is a reciprocal listener, contributor ratio. We know that people from around the world want to know what people on the other side are experiencing, and seeking common grounds with common solutions.

That work has been exciting and inspiring to me and I thank you all for riding down this road of discovery with me.

This time is now the cross road for to set goals for the 2012 projects. We currently have April 2012 Live Soiree in New England that I hope many of you will participate in.

To the hosts who see and recognize that Gemjin participation has added value to their careers, to the communities, provided a resource for advancing ideas, acceptance of diverse morals and ethics, to participants the network provide a place to glean ideas and gain momentum of inspiration, for the artists who wish begin to explore their careers in pertaining to the values of this station, we are counting on you to move forward. We are here for you, thats what the station is about, the hosts the listners the participants and the people of the global community who are benefiting from this great work and who appreciate the stand point that the gemjin community and the intuitive life network represent. Inclusion, acceptance and allowance to be think do and create all that you can every moment of your life.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

What is progress? Who is anonymous in this day and age?

"This is not the 1700's" my good friend said to me; "the laws and the way people did things don't work for these times."

I have to ask if we have really 'progressed' though. The only thing I have to draw on is my own experiences so reflect with me here for a minute. In the 80's I was in Jr High School. I held the record for the most demerits and suspensions for a female ever. Always a rebel and loving to set records, (I hold a few desirable ones too) you can imagine the hell my peers and I put our teachers through. No matter what there always remained an element of respect that is seriously lacking from the next couple of generations. I believe we did not progress, but we failed; and royally.

There are hundreds of documented cases of teachers who are literally in fear for their lives; and some end up fighting for their lives. In our times that would not have happened. Anyone who is in anyone in education remembers Mr Sullivan of the Moody School in Lowell. The city named a school after him, may he rest in peace. Those were the days that when you were caught spitting spit balls at Mr Mac's blackboard, or stealing the snacks out of someone else's lunch; the stiff strike on the back of the head was to be expected.

Alas, in our zeal to protect children from corporal punishment we have given children the right to live without discipline. We have encouraged them to live by their instinct, to trust their gut, stand their ground, and speak their truth. Civil unrest was unavoidable. We created them. We taught, nourished and grew them.

All that we have known, and all that we have built with our structure and bureaucratic fair-play and tactical maneuverings have created a safe haven for a whole generation of 'free thinkers'. Free to think and be and do whatever they feel the universe has lead them to and there is no stopping them.

When we were kids you knew not to mess with the big families, because if you pick a fight with one you pick a fight with them all. If a bully was unfair, there was a whole neighborhood to stand up and someone surely would. After a good let go of some energy a resolution or agreement was understood and so be it, that's how it was in the neighborhood forever after. No one was excluded. We learned to deal with each other, our baggage, their baggage, and the neighborhood was.

There is no 'neighborhood' any longer.

The next generation now stand behind the laws we created to protect them. They do some totally random different things that we couldn't have ever imagined.

Even bullying is formally against the law. Forcing another person or child to do anything that they do not want to do is actually illegal. Maybe thats why we have millions of children and young adults glued to mind controlling video games. Maybe a good smack in the head and a violent reminder to get off the Video game wouldnt have been a bad idea after all. What do I know? I know nothing. Our children, the next generations, will lead the world to something we cant even imagine though, that is a guarentee.

Do we trust what we have created is something good?
or are we all anonymous?

Whats your truth? Put your two cents in

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The creator of Gemjin, who brought you 'Its not our Fault" "Just For Today" and ILNRadio presents KYONTE

Kyonte returned from touring the USA on the Budweiser tour, traveling over seas for the USO tour. He made a pit-stop in Boston to meet Lucy Diamond and the Choice Treasures/Gemjin TV crew.

Kyonte is a seasoned veteran of the music industry. His candid answers and thoughtful advise reveal insights that make the industry, with its fast pace and blinding distractions a transparent maneuverable industry for new comers and locals on their grind. You will walk away with an AHAH moment! TUNE IN!
Episode airs live Wednesday October 19th at 12 noon (West Coast) 3pm (East Coast) USA ~ Global 8PM GMT

Monday, October 10, 2011

Make that 98% okay ..

If the one percent is the rich and powerful who control the government, police, and tactical military and financial objectives, fine so be it .. but there is a percentage of us that prefer to educate the next generations of leaders, to strengthen the communities from with in and you can give us about a percent too. We buy local and waste little; teaching values to the next generations and keeping our community strong.

To every selfish greed monger who wanted an extra pot-holder and to save 5 cents on a hammer, who stood in line at walmart at 5 am the day after thanksgiving and put your own communities out of business by not supporting your neighbor, you got what you deserve. Standing in the street screaming "YOU MADE me SPEND money I didnt have at fast food restaurants, boutiques and chain stores, gave my job to someone over seas who cares more about their family than their education and IS WILLING TO WORK,while I got fat watching Oprah and eating oreos on unemployment and SSI while the pharma-companies drug tested their meds on my kids and I spent money I didnt earn " .. .GO HOME SIT DOWN SHUT UP

are you kidding me? seriously?!

Happy Columbus Day no more .. just say HAPPY DAY OFF IF YOU GOT IT OFF WITH PAY Happy Money day if you work it anyway and get time and a half (double time and a half if you are UNION)

for real some of the responses are almost too riduculous to post .. but here is one I found particularly offensive:: "Columbus was a FILTHY Slave Trader who helped to rape and Murder thousands of young, innocent Native Girls, as young as 9 and 10! These are the FACTS that Schoolchlden are NOT taught." Im just wondering in what place, era, state, or country teaching school children about war and rape is appropriate?

Fine, so I said "HAPPY DAY OFF" to the next guy and he says oh COLUMBUS DAY? He didnt even 'discover" America he landed in south America in mexico or something and thats why they all speak SPANISH, the English didnt even fund the trip it was the Spanish (I was totally not listening and Im not sure if his details match the rant repeat or not)

for f^cks sake go back to work if your going to be miserable!!
In any case POLO dont take no days off so TUNE IN TONIGHT for RAW N UNCUT
Columbus Day Edition
