Sunday, July 31, 2011

Six simple steps on who to delete ... keeping your social space YOURS

As a regular purger of my social spaces, seeing the mess spammers, scammers, and the general 'creepy person' can make on the social scene, there are a few general rules I follow to keep an eye on whose keeping an eye on me.

I used to be a ... (excuse the political incorrectness) Myspace Hoe. A prolific poster, blogger and responsive connect. I loved myspace, and I still spend a lot of time there, but it was true when I said on my show one day 'strangers took over my space'. Now, I take over my space; so if you want to take over your space, here are some general rules I try to follow:

1. People who add the friends you converse regularly with in your public stream but never converse with you or them.

2. People who post the same post repeatedly and nothing else

3. People who's posts make you feel uncomfortable in any way

4. People who tag you in pictures of shoes so that when your friends go to your page they see those shoes in stead of last week ends cookout pictures that your 'real' friends are looking for.

5. People that call you pet names but don't know your last name

6. anyone that connected to you through any of the above.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Hyper vigilant ...

Love is such a funny thing sometimes.

Its easy to love pretty things that feel and smell and sound good, things that appeal to our senses. All of life does not always feel or smell pleasant. It is a difficult task to teach a child love because we as parents need to teach the children to love all of life.

When my children were small we lived on a dead end street and the children all played between the houses in the street. Kick ball and run the bases and that sort of thing in between weaving bikes and big wheels, a little brother often fell only to be scooped to his feet by a bigger boy, and on his way again.

Because I had so many children, and perhaps because I was hyper vigilant for all the children, I would call them all to the porch to sit and watch the garbage men come down the narrow street with the big truck. On a hot summer day there might be a box of frozen pops for the neighborhood gang while we whistled and clapped and cheered for the garbage men who sometimes grabbed a cool drink from the hose, much to the amazement and delight of the cheering crowd of on lookers.

Garbage men rock. They rock heavy smelly trash hour after hour every day. Not many have gotten cheered, but Im nutz like that.

Be nutz.

Be Hyper vigilant in finding reasons to love the over looked and your life will be filled with love, like mine.

Heart In Hand
~Thinking Good Things At You©

Lucy D

Images and Content ©2011 ChoiceTreasures LucyDiamond

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Come be a part of the change!!!

GEMJIN© Global Digital Broadcast announced today the launch of Gemjin TV. Each production is hand picked for the global platform. Expect big things, good things, things you will enjoy, and they will come!

The launch of the stations new channel comes on the heels of a barrage of announcements on new shows, new productions, new producers, and tons of inspiring content. TUNE IN and bookmark the site Find out how YOU TOO can BE involved in the Global community. Opportunity abounds on Gemjin.
There is a live chat feed on both the radio page and the tv page. Our listeners are encouraged to ask questions from our expert presenters, pose new ideas, and collaborate with some of the worlds best talent and skill.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Gov. What the hell are are you NOT thinking about?

On one of the most treacherous days new England has seen in decades, Governor Patrick stepped up to the plate for working families all over the common wealth and declared a state of emergency. The eruption of gratitude from families who did not have to bear the stress of odds, will my daddy/mommy/husband/wife be the umth percentage of the population that dies in a car crash during a storm on their way to or from work? Eased out of the hearts of the populous in silence but was felt from the safety of home while volunteers combed the streets for those who needed shelter.
Although I am the umth percentage who did pay homage both in word and blog for the courage our Governor mustered to speak like a leader and PREVENT harm from the citizens, even one if he could help it. "Where the unions fall down, and businesses clamor to stay open, our governor stands up." I said on the show that night.

Perhaps he didn't see the headline News in bright red; perhaps he missed the worker on tv news climb out of the hole and talk to the reporter; stuttering from heat stroke claiming he was fine, he needs the work anyway. I'm hoping he is not on a yacht sipping a margarita with his wife; I hope he sees.
Governor Memino in Boston is taking solid steps to protect and preserve whatever he has power over .. and that gives me reason to hope that all is well in the commonwealth through this dangerous time.,2933,375661,00.html

Stay cool. Wait it out. Keep your heart rate low while you hydrate. Water Protein salt and potassium. Carry what water you can and share. I pray for our governor's leadership, after all. its my dime and my husband slurring Im fine I'll call you every hour into his phone.
