Monday, September 10, 2012

Accountability in humility

Holding people accountable for their actions is the most merciful answer; imo, always best. 

Whether we like it or not we are all dependent upon one another to play each role we serve because we are all in a society together. When those who do well for us are in place we pay homage and honor to them in various ways. It makes us feel good and  keeps us humble before one another. That keeps society in tact. It is respect.

 When someone does harm either of intention or action against the community we feel we must face this truth, speak this truth, and bring it to the attention of the harmful one and anyone who knows them.  Resolve sets in with the belief that people who lead people, people who mark the times of our society and steer humanity into the future, leaders should be held accountable and fingers point.

"Notwithstanding those of us who roam the streets of Boston often talking to ourselves and wondering why random strangers toss coins in our coffee; though 'outcasts' of the society are part of the community. In any case leadership is not expected of these. " 

An honored community member or a face on a bustling street, like everyone, it all starts at home. Our own lives, our homes are the very first communities we are a part of. Lead yourself! Self-government is what our fore-fathers called it. It is what we have control over. We face so many battles in these complex times. I often hear of people settling to 'pick and choose their battles wisely' because it seems there are so many battles.
 "We are so afraid to loose our jobs that more bullying happens in the office than anyone is seriously willing to admit. Especially minimum wage and low end paying jobs which most of us right now are thankful to have" 
There are complex battles of industry and policy and decisions that affect multitudes. They all depend on how the individuals in our society govern themselves at home. Make constant choices of accountability for yourself. Be accountable for your own words and actions.  Hold the people around you accountable for their words and actions. Let accountability humble you.  Allow it to and it will spread like wild-fire. When you hold yourself accountable every moment you never have to fear karma. When you hold others accountable you remove theirs.

You can never force another person to be accountable for themselves. 
You must choose for yourself. Each of us must choose where we stand and stand firm while allowing others to do the same. It's okay though because two can not occupy one space. There is plenty of room for everyone on the planet.

 Hold yourself accountable with you and your closest relationships and the world will take care of itself. 

Good Luck out there, life is hard, keep at it. 

Lucy Diamond

“There's no guarantee that justice will win out or that a noble sacrifice will make any difference. But when it does, there's something that still swells my chest. There's magic in that.... It tells me that's the way things are supposed to be. ” 
― Brent WeeksBeyond the Shadows

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