For a total of three decades the hearts of praying mothers all over the world have been wretched, twisted and bloodgioned with bad news from our human female population here on earth.
From the cleansing in Bosnia, the exterminations of the Congo, to the recent news that the number of pregnant women carrying the HIV virus in South Africa, which has the world's biggest AIDS population, has inched up to 30.2 percent from 29.4 percent last year, according to health officials our women are in jeopardy.
From our sisters in Haiti to refugees in over crowded camps and even all across the Americas women, who are the nucleus of our race, are burdened with life-long life-risking stupidity of their male counter parts.

It is the majority of your women that train your sons to be men and your daughters to be wives and mothers. It is woman-kind that holds the future near the bowels of her being. When you have women in your community living in fear, poverty, under duress, hungry, in the shame of misfortune, or the midst of physical violence, then you have a community whose entire future is at risk.
Diseased men impregnating entire populations, bands of torture some ignoramuses controlling countries, cities, and villages, killing of populations and ending blood lines will one day be a thing of the past. It will be something our great grandchildren read about with shame and disgust as if it were the darkest of ages.
so mote it be.
Heart in Hand
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Lou C Diamond, Founder www.IntuitiveLifeNetwork.org ( twitter.com/ILNorg ) Organizer of www.NewEnglandSEERs.com (twitter.com/NewEnglandSEERs Gemjin Producer www.gemjin.com managed by choicetreasures.com for interviews, appearances and drops send an email to contact@choicetreasures.com