In three (3) states with-in the domain of the United States of America it is now illegal to record an on-duty police officer even if the encounter involves you and may be necessary to your defense, and even if the recording is on a public street where no expectation of privacy exists.
You can search "are cameras the new guns" to find lots of emerging information on the barbarian laws as they evolve.
dvafoto.com reports:
UPDATE: In 2010, charges against Anthony John Graber III were dismissed by a Maryland judge. The ruling “makes it clear that police officers enjoy little expectation of privacy as they perform their duties” and helps narrow the definition of wiretapping in the state’s laws. In the decision, the judge wrote that the situation “took place on a public highway in full view of the public. Under such circumstances, I cannot, by any stretch, conclude that the troopers had any reasonable expectation of privacy in their conversation with the defendant which society would be prepared to recognize as reasonable.”
I wonder what the conversations in the law office will be like for these pre trial conferences ..
LAWYER: "So here it is .. IF you can get off free in the event a jury doesn't believe the cops **chuckles ** you get 5 years if you plead, and only 2 if you produce the video evidence of your innocence"

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