"Hes an embarrassment and Im having nothing to do with him" says British Mother
of notorious scoundrel Jamie Cumming, one of the Queens not so royal subjects. His 15th child was born two weeks ago from his 13th parenting partner. He is expected to have two more in the coming months, with his 17th child being born by a 17 year old mother. He cant afford to care for himself or his children, never mind his 'propagation partners' which we can assume are also living off the tax payers.
These people think they are getting famous and all they are doing is making a case for mandatory state sterilization proponents. There are poor parents that do a much better job at creating good world citizens .. but before we know it, only the rich will be able to breed. To the women mothering these children GET A CLUE
Lou C Diamond, Founder www.IntuitiveLifeNetwork.org ( twitter.com/ILNorg ) Organizer of www.NewEnglandSEERs.com (twitter.com/NewEnglandSEERs Gemjin Producer www.gemjin.com managed by choicetreasures.com for interviews, appearances and drops send an email to contact@choicetreasures.com
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