Wednesday, March 30, 2011

social media depression rotflmfao !!?

The 'old media' (tv. newspaper reporting) craze to broadcast fear with made up and unprovable statistics has me rolling on the floor laughing. The piss yellow journalism that has stunk up our minds and fucked with our karmic wake is a thing of the past, and the last ditch effort to complete the isolationism and control frenzy with a cell skin of fear will be met with the cowering fear we have all grown sick of. Sadly, as a psychic I can only predict the truth to follow. New laws and lists of punishments for violations; discouragement and suffering to the new media real time connection through which truth passes via osmosis.

Anyone who is buying into the 'statistical notion' that social digital interactions is causing depression has to be more nutz than even me. Perhaps its the over-oppressive taxes, lack of opportunity, lack of moral, and over all 'fuck it I give Up' mentality that is the sure sign of that bondage and oppression has broken the spirit.

Who knows, maybe the pharma companies can come up with a pill that causes involuntary muscle contractions in the legs, ( so the over medicated, under employed, government dependent populous can sit on their sad, bloated, arses and STILL get some muscle movement) and at the same time CURE social media depression. I bet the 'education industry' can come up with a specialized course in diagnosis and treatment of this specialized field of psychological disorders and REALLY get some cash flowing on the concept.

We might as well roll a few bucks into the legislation, and enforcement. NEW LAWS to prevent social media depression, and prosecute people while encouraging fear of communicating our ideas honestly. (ie NO ONE is allowed to delete anyone else once they have added them, if someone says they know you then; you have to let them, or be fined $100 and/or imprisoned. If the person you delete is of a different ethnic origin you might be subject to additional charges if you have none of that particular ethnicity on your social space)

Oh yeah, who ever came up with the concept that digital socializing could be the cause of a 'special field of depression' including someone to blame, has got their finger on a multi million dollar enterprise.

Hey, its my dime. Put your 2 cents in the comments.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Gemjin© is where STARS COME TO SHINE .. AKAPELLO MUSIC today ...

California, USA Akapello Di General confirmed today, in a brief interview, his continued support of Lucy Diamond's Gemjin© venture. An early supporter of Mz Diamond's initial world wide broadcast, ILN Radio, which topped digital broadcast and internet charts for all of 2009 and most of 2010, Akapello Music has contributed more than music to the station since before it's inception.

Akapello Di General, the next generation of independent greatness, will grace the Gemjin© Mix Tape BE THE FIRST to hear the news!
SUBSCRIBE to this Blog below

Akapello #OneLuv

1-2-3-4 leave ur coat at the Door ..

1-2-3-4 Leave your coat at the door,


That's right, once again, Lucy Diamond who is always shining magnifies the light on the unsung talent ... no pun intended.

The GEMJIN© Mix Tape Vol I is ready to drop, on time, in Queue and with all its bells and whistles ready to blow. So, the cover design is NOT the top shelf Christopher P (aka Chrissy Zeiders) but its done enough, and everyone's credits are on line, in line, and easily accessible.

There is nothing more exciting then reaching a GOAL


As expected, DGD Media, Cox Marketing, and the solid foundation of Gemjin will be present on the Mix, but we did a BAM BAM, so DOUBLE SPICE ME Baby cuz we got some OFF THE HOOK additions that will flip your cap and pop your rocks with Mack Mirage and King Cyris on board heating up the middle with the hot breath of DRAGON flare.

Subscribe to this blog and STAY ALERT cuz things are EVOLVING FAST

Friday, March 18, 2011

King Cyris and Mack Mirage Shine on Gemjin©

"Its been a good year or so since the power and presence of an artist has been able to rattle my cage, " says Lucy Diamond, station manager for Gemjin© Global Digital Broadcast, an internet and digital based broadcast production house centered around collaborators today after an interview with what she called "a power house duo of talent": Mack Mirage, (of TN) and King Cyris (of FL) USA, musicians, artists and producers for several national based talents.
Honest, forthright, and obviously excited, Lucy Diamond shines a light on the perspective the duo embrace to ensure success of every project they touch. "King Midas has nothing on these boyz" Lucy Diamond claims; but have a listen for yourself!

Send feedback regarding this Exclusive Gemjin© broadcast

(recorded Live 20:00 -5GMT 03/18/2011)
encoder: Lucy Diamond

To book onto Lucy Diamond's show, or any of the Gemjin© shows contact
Choice Treasures production department, or use the contact form on the station website.

Monday, March 14, 2011

I am so sick of the words change and transform, I AM GOOD ENOUGH

There is a billion dollar industry revolving around some notion that you are not good enough, your life has been so hard, and you have faced so many personal challenges, that it would be a frocking miracle if you did not end your life in stupidity, fatness, and ugliness of age that is incomparable to any grotesqueness of the universe.
You do not think right, you do not know what to value, you do not work hard enough to deny yourself to actually ever be considered 'good'. To change all that, send $100 $200 or $500 every week, month or year, to any self-goddifying, ego filled salesman, driving in a yacht with his home-schooled superior, world traveled children, soon to grace the cover of 'rich kids gone wild' because he has convinced you that you are not as good as he is, but COULD BE, if only you send your $100 $200 or $500 regularly.

I'm not buying, and I'm thanking god I never had enough money to be able to send one these snake oil salesman a dime. My mind is occupied by the doing and being of life. I'm busy experiencing my joys and sorrows to the very essence of their savor. After all, isn't that what life for? Be a part of it by LIVING

Thursday, March 3, 2011

‘Paranormal Panel’ an exclusive international paranormal talk-radio broadcast

From the US to the UK, Gemjin Global Digital Broadcast and ILN Productions Present : ‘Paranormal Panel’ an exclusive international paranormal talk-radio broadcast, to be digitally aired every Thursday Night 11pm GMT

Exclusive Interactive Opportunity

Hosted by John Forster, legendary presenter of internationally syndicated ‘Haunted Cornwall FM’ and respected American Paranormal Investigator: Abel Garcia presenter of ‘Round Table’ (broadcast on an exclusive internet radio website), PARANORMAL PANEL will feature guests from around the globe with field experience in researching the bazaar and unexplainable.
The show hosts will lead the listeners in the exploration and discovery of all forms of the paranormal, including the Ouija board, witchcraft, haunting investigations, metaphysical research and more. “From the US to the UK, fakes and frauds in the paranormal world will be exposed as we uncover the truth. It is our aim to lead people to truth. We have brought two of the most inquisitive minds we could find to the table for this show”, says Lucy Diamond, Program Director for the Gemjin© global digital broadcasts, and Executive Technical Producer for ILN Productions.
Expert guests will be presented each week from fields ranging as far as military and UFO investigators, to self-proclaimed ‘human seismographs’. Contentious and skeptical John Forster, known for his keen mind and sharp logic is a perfect choice for the real-world approach Gemjin© is looking for in exploring these ‘FAR OUT’ topics.
“The most important component is the listeners” argues Abel Garcia, co-host of the newly launching broadcast. “it is the public’s views, opinions, and experiences that matter most to us. Truth and understanding elimate fears, and that is what this show is really about” he added.
“We are extremely proud to be part of this exclusive network: Gemjin Global Digital Broadcast; and look forward to expanding Lucy Diamonds vision beyond the US and the UK” the co-hosts said in a released statement on Monday. “We enjoy Lucy Diamond’s company and inquisitive mind. “
See how you can connect to Gemjin Global Digital Broadcast on line at or search ‘GEMJIN” in your digital receiver’s search bar. Call-in, visit the interactive ‘PLAYGROUND” online chat area, and join us to contribute to this fantastic discovery of the unknown, ask questions, and give your input. ‘PARANORMAL PANEL’ airs LIVE on Thursday evenings at 11pm GMT (6pm Eastern time)

Levon Garvasi
Choice Treasures
353 Middlesex Road #463
Tyngsboro MA 01879

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Hello to all of you. I want to thank you for supporting me. By YOUR PRESENCE I am encouraged. Being filled with courage I have built Gemjin© , so its for all of US.

Honey Management has 'taken over' the ILNRadio show for Tuesdays in March. (4-5pm EDT) Each week on that day a different person she works with Honey Management gets an hour of airtime and access to listeners all around the globe.
International projects, national productions, and lucrative collaborations are birthed at Gemjin.

YOU .. all of you are WELCOME to the hour available on MONDAYS from 4-5 PM to PROMOTE YOURSELF, SHARE YOUR VIEWS, ENCOURAGE< EDUCATE< and EXPLORE the world and her people as we flow with the tides at Gemjin©

If you have not been to, or the warm and welcoming playground area, PLEASE try to visit any or every day this week between 4 and 9 pm Eastern time. There is a seat for YOU. A PLATFORM if you want one, and loyal friends; when you need one many come.



ALL love and good thoughts to you; real thoughts of acceptance; for you, your humanity and YOUR GREATNESS that GEMJIN© will illuminate to the world.



TAKE MY HAND .... meet me in the playground at Gemjin©

Lucy D

yesteray's total tally was 5 countries participating on Gemjin. 11 countries listening and 5 on air in 4 hours. The World Welcomes Gemjin© Be a part of a REAL movement. Contact Levon Garvasi
Lucy Diamond is a Thought Leader

You are a thought leader in your industry. Your followers rely on you, not only to share the relevant news, but to give your opinion on the issues. People look to you to help them understand the day's developments. You understand what's important and what your audience values.
