The 'old media' (tv. newspaper reporting) craze to broadcast fear with made up and unprovable statistics has me rolling on the floor laughing. The piss yellow journalism that has stunk up our minds and fucked with our karmic wake is a thing of the past, and the last ditch effort to complete the isolationism and control frenzy with a cell skin of fear will be met with the cowering fear we have all grown sick of. Sadly, as a psychic I can only predict the truth to follow. New laws and lists of punishments for violations; discouragement and suffering to the new media real time connection through which truth passes via osmosis.
Anyone who is buying into the 'statistical notion' that social digital interactions is causing depression has to be more nutz than even me. Perhaps its the over-oppressive taxes, lack of opportunity, lack of moral, and over all 'fuck it I give Up' mentality that is the sure sign of that bondage and oppression has broken the spirit.
Who knows, maybe the pharma companies can come up with a pill that causes involuntary muscle contractions in the legs, ( so the over medicated, under employed, government dependent populous can sit on their sad, bloated, arses and STILL get some muscle movement) and at the same time CURE social media depression. I bet the 'education industry' can come up with a specialized course in diagnosis and treatment of this specialized field of psychological disorders and REALLY get some cash flowing on the concept.
We might as well roll a few bucks into the legislation, and enforcement. NEW LAWS to prevent social media depression, and prosecute people while encouraging fear of communicating our ideas honestly. (ie NO ONE is allowed to delete anyone else once they have added them, if someone says they know you then; you have to let them, or be fined $100 and/or imprisoned. If the person you delete is of a different ethnic origin you might be subject to additional charges if you have none of that particular ethnicity on your social space)
Oh yeah, who ever came up with the concept that digital socializing could be the cause of a 'special field of depression' including someone to blame, has got their finger on a multi million dollar enterprise.
Hey, its my dime. Put your 2 cents in the comments.
ReplyDelete^ This article does not propose that social media is creating its own distinct field of depression as you claim, but rather has a potential to cause teens that are already suffering from depression to suffer much more:
"Researchers disagree on whether it's simply an extension of depression some kids feel in other circumstances, or a distinct condition linked with using the online site. (Facebook)"
Furthermore, I strongly doubt that the government or any owner of a social media website will create "laws" or a "list of violations" against which users can interact, nor does this article propose such a concept. Your idea that pharmaceutical companies would come up with medication to cure an illness that you have conjured up is just silly to say the least.
I feel as though you heavily belittle those with an opposing view while providing a skewed argument and virtually no evidence to back up your claims. The other article emphasizes the point that "it has a potential" to have adverse affects on teens, while you claim that it says it does.
""Parents should definitely know" about these practices, Navarro said. "It's good to raise awareness about it.""
Your views on this matter seem harsh, poorly thought out, and even more poorly proven.
But that's just my 2 cents.