We are a blessed generation.
As our lives blossomed, the universe unfolded both figuratively and literally. Sesame Street burned through the air waves drawing attention to the development of what a citizen of the world CAN BE, men stepped on the moon and explored the universe adjacent to our meager planet. Our frailty and vulnerability came to our awareness as a united population. The wars and famines from over seas came close to home in thunder clap at the flick of a switch; and the inquisitive mind of the next generation, OUR GENERATION was ignited. As we matured the world around us changed. We bent it to our will. Women gained the right to vote at the hand of our mothers, and at our hands she was freed. Domestic violence is not in toleration because of the strength of our generation, physical and mental handicaps are not a secret family shame because of our generation, people speak their minds, express themselves freely, quench their desire for knowledge, and consciously guide the minds of their own young as a direct result of the work of our generation.

As a matriarch and a giver of life I am hopeful and cautiously optimistic. We, the strong, the generation of equality, are prepared to make drastic changes in how we think and see each other. Together, as we listen to the needs of our inner spirit, we must allow it to express itself fully, truly, humanly.
We are all the same.
Lou C Diamond, Founder www.IntuitiveLifeNetwork.org ( twitter.com/ILNorg ) Organizer of www.NewEnglandSEERs.com (twitter.com/NewEnglandSEERs Gemjin Producer www.gemjin.com managed by choicetreasures.com for interviews, appearances and drops send an email to contact@choicetreasures.com
