A young single mother brought her two bastard sons to see the bishop. "I want them to understand Father" she said in her thick accent "That God is the Father of everyone, even and especially them". The bishop strained to listen, nodded to the young woman and entered the room where the boys sat quietly in in dark and creepy parish receiving room. Their eyes wide at the image of bleeding Jesus hanging his head, nailed to the huge cross on the wall. The thick smell of flowers filled the air, but there was not a flower in sight.
The bishop positioned himself before the boys with his arms folded at his chest. He was a huge and wide towering man, wearing a long black dress. He had squinty red eyes and a big red face. His deep voice boomed the silence.
"Boys, where is God?"
Their eyes widened and they looked sideways at each other in terror.
The Bishop's deep voice seemed to creep over the boys as fear grabbed them by the toes and crept up their tiny bodies. They turned their heads back toward his voice.
"Boys, where .. is ... God" the Bishop repeated, enunciating clearly and all-too slowly (if not slurred).
The boys jumped out of the chair and ran out the door trembling and sobbing. They head straight past their mother, who clamored to huddle and comfort the boys in the foyer.
"Whats wrong with my boys?" she asked them gently as she knelt on the floor embracing them.
The boys were surprised she didn't know why they were there. They gasped at each other in shock but a moment.
"God's missing and they think we got him!" cried the boys.

"Catholic bishops know that most Americans, including most Catholics, reject the church’s view that artificial birth control is wrong. So the bishops hope in coming weeks to convince the public that their fight against a new insurance mandate is a battle over religious liberty, rather than access to contraception, Archbishop Gregory Aymond said Thursday. " reports NOLA.com
Born and raised an Irish-Italian Catholic in Polish and Brazilian parishes; I would like to weigh in. (especially since we are talking about MY contraception too)
If the bishop (and/or) his predecessors and peers spent the last 20 years raising families and working their asses off all day to feed and clothe a few kids, as opposed diddling alter-boys; Or sitting on their asses drinking wine finding ways to guilt hard-working men into paying more tithe by condemning fathers who drink a beer; I would give a fiddlers %u@& about his opinion on how I, my family and friends copulate or propagate.
For now, I think it is not the Catholic Church's business to judge, control or condemn anyone for anything ever including anything about sex or healthcare choices.
If Archbishop Gregory Aymond believed the bible in his pocket, he would obey "Render unto ceasar what is ceasars and render unto God what is God's" and go to church and pray for the congregation. Bishops don't belong in Washington. Thats the point of separation of church and state.
God is the judge, and even he does not control anyone but leaves them free to choose. Seeing as my decision to use or not use birth-control is something I'm going to leave God to judge me for; I will leave God to judge him on judgement day for sticking his nose where the constitution written by smarter men, and the Bible written by God both say it is not his business.
I am worried that Archbishop Gregory Aymond thinks he is smarter than God,
Lets all pray for Archbishop Gregory Aymond so he remembers what his job is. When did the Catholic Church become a bunch of thugs telling everyone else what to do, using their power to control and manipulate people?

Lou C Diamond, Founder www.IntuitiveLifeNetwork.org ( twitter.com/ILNorg ) Organizer of www.NewEnglandSEERs.com (twitter.com/NewEnglandSEERs Gemjin Producer www.gemjin.com managed by choicetreasures.com for interviews, appearances and drops send an email to contact@choicetreasures.com
Archbishop Gregory Aymond and his clan are harvesting babies for adoption .. no WONDER he is against BIRTH CONTROL http://news.yahoo.com/forced-adoptions-for-unwed-mothers-around-the-globe.html