Re-tweeting and re-posting is a courtesy we provide to one another to share relevent information quickly and efficiently. We connect to people who gather, desire, or are the 'relevant and pertinent" based on our individual but collective areas of interest and commonality. There have been times that I have clicked on links sent from those I am connected to and often if it is relevant or pertinent information I will share that with those that are connected to me, you. My favorites to RT are original quotes.
Generally, you know I tweet about my growth and development as a sole proprietor in a competitive industry. The radio station is my pet project and I track and thank everyone who sends listeners. I know who my friends are and I thank you for clicking the link that lead you to this blog. Your click is an encouragement for me to keep blogging, and I hope you share it with your friends if you enjoy it. I look forward to clicking to your links and blogs and portfolios, and sharing them too.
I was browsing through a website today that seemed interesting. In a minds click I would have copied and pasted the link so my twitter followers could see it and enjoy it too, then I noticed the face book update and tweet this links on the site and clicked into them. The familiar twitter icon appeared and a log-in and password entry. I didnt re tweet the site.
To the person who sent me the link, and to everyone else tweeting and re-tweeting out there, content is key. It doesnt matter how many followers you have. It matters how many of them trust you enough to click.
1. Make sure the abbreviated words are identifiable
2. Give credit to #Quotes
3. Pay attention to who you are @ing together in posts make sure it is a conversation
4. Make sure the link you are sending out is live and relevant
5. Check links to be sure they work before moving onto your next posting
6. Delete and Block people to tweet out junk, traps and spam
Lucy Diamond
Choice Treasures
Gemjin Radio

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