Someone said to me last week, this old phrase Ive been considering for the past several months : "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer".
I have never subscribed to this 'art of war'. I have my own theory that I have lived by and we can consider it here together.
I heard advise from one of my 'brothers in spirit' who is also gnostic, as I. He said that no GENERAL wants to blow up a bridge because you don't want to spend man power re-building it later."
I heard advise from an industry sister who gave details of watching what others are doing so you can 'get ahead of them' and succeed.
Then I opened the door to all and waited to see what happened, for the first time in my life "considering my enemies".

As a young mother I never 'considered my enemies' as far as the pedophiles in the community, I watched my own children. I kept them close and considered our family privacy and connection.
To use my sister's theory, I would have had to take my children to the park where the pedophiles were, and then watched the pedophiles and not so much my children. This art of war does not seem worth my consideration and brings me much less joy than the love of my household did.
I considered the chicken coup and the dreaded fox out back. To maintain the safety of my flock I would be forced to lay wake and guard them, or launch a hunt to destroy the fox. All of which would take my focus off the wily happenings within my hen house. Shall I return to rotten broken eggs and bow legged chicks? Or shall I remove the bridge.
There is no enemy. There is only one's own purpose in life to focus upon and consider. Learn the art of considering your life. Listen to WTF-Radio on Fridays at 1pm EST at Gemjin Radio helping YOU make your life magic!
L Diamond
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