The fine line we walk as communal beings, or humans, is such a scary road at times. Not only the amazing flight of success that causes the once vocal in truth and friendship to turn into jealous haters, but the hardest days as well.
I was listening to a show broadcast by someone I respect immensely; who was ranting about how their spouse comes home from work with some problems of a co-worker lodged in their heart and replied, it isn't your problem you have to let it go. The guest on the show went so far as to say that you need to cut those negative people out of your life.
The whole consept perplexes me. The last thing a friend does at a time when a person is low is tell them to fuck off. I think. I think to do that is to not have any righteousness in your heart. It lacks the unity in community. It is un-christian and it was a christian show I was listening to. Perplexing.
There is a story in the christian bible about two brothers Cain and Abel. One brother kills the other because he is jealous and god says "where is your brother" to which he replies AM I MY BROTHERS KEEPER?
The answer is YES.
We are each others keepers that's what a community is. Statistics show the death rate from suicide in the U.S. from 1950 to 2007. In 1950, there were 13.2 deaths by suicide per 100,000 resident populaton in the U.S. (so says DowJones) so ...
On the other hand, when hard times strike the hearts of men, we have no time to sift through false branches to find one to cling to. It is better if the weak fuck off and leave the real resources and true friends, strong branches easier to identify in those hazy desperate human times.

We are here for a short time. We live for a blink of an eye. People come and go. We are accountable for how we affect others, even if it is for causing the disillusionment of friendship.
There are no secrets; and as the next generation, who are much more spiritually conscious and progressively so, as the years go by will see into the hearts of one another as though they are transparent.
Look closely and you will see too. Cut off the weak branches that only take resources and never give fruit, Cut them off BEFORE you are hungry.
To all those who have been desperate, too sad to breathe, too stressed to think, too hungry to chew, too tired to work, too scared to choose, I'm glad your here and I like you just the way you are! Believe the hard times will pass because they always do; and we will be here to cheer each other on and reach for the sun like the strong branches that we are...like always.
Dedicated to: Kevin, Terry, Jody, Mona, Richard, John, Ray, Jean, Joan, Tammy, Jeff and Randy; stars that shine so bright they shine but half as long. ... I miss you all. May all your time be spent swimming in the bright sun now, and all the branches near you be strong
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