The first thing we need to do is remove the taxes on shit like hair spray, and then tax the manufacturers of the hair spray on every item sold so THEY PAY for the clean up costs in air pollution. Not just hair spray, but all the shit we are taxed on from toothbrushes and paste, tweezers, razors, shave cream, paper towels, DIAPERS!
who the hell voted we tax diapers?
NO TAX ON TOILET PAPER for real we are taxed to whipe our ass. So the paper companies should be paying the taxes that fund the water clean up and removing that stuff from our DRINKING WATER that we pay for quarterly!
Remove the utility tax too!!! its unfair. I cant live off the hand pumped well in my over taxed backyard property, a fireplace and solar candles because we are required to have running hot and cold water in our homes bay laws.
Any law that requires us to purchase something, that something should not be taxed.
... campaign contributors for that though .. NIL

The first job to cut is the TRUANT OFFICERS how much will that save every state? It should be the family's responsibility to decide if their child is educated by the state and how. If a kid doesn't want to be in school and he gets dragged in by a truant officer and sits there and aggravates the kids that are there to learn, the teachers the staff, and brings vodka to school in a water bottle WHY DOES THAT have to be my problem? or the problem of my student? You can not force anyone to learn.
Maybe we can save a lot of money opening a school for people who don't want to learn so we can discover what the hell they DO want to do so they can contribute to society someday.

I dont care if the candidates running for office ball a different chick every day after cocktail hour, what brand name suit they wear or what posh restaurant they eat in, I dont care if a company pays them homage by sending them and their families on exotic vacations, what I care about is do you represent THE PEOPLE who are living working and dying in your community every day. Do they have enough real life experience to make good arguments on why to protect the people of the country, our assets, our hopes and our future: that's what is important to me.
what is important to you?
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