As a regular purger of my social spaces, seeing the mess spammers, scammers, and the general 'creepy person' can make on the social scene, there are a few general rules I follow to keep an eye on whose keeping an eye on me.
I used to be a ... (excuse the political incorrectness) Myspace Hoe. A prolific poster, blogger and responsive connect. I loved myspace, and I still spend a lot of time there, but it was true when I said on my show one day 'strangers took over my space'. Now, I take over my space; so if you want to take over your space, here are some general rules I try to follow:
1. People who add the friends you converse regularly with in your public stream but never converse with you or them.
2. People who post the same post repeatedly and nothing else
3. People who's posts make you feel uncomfortable in any way
4. People who tag you in pictures of shoes so that when your friends go to your page they see those shoes in stead of last week ends cookout pictures that your 'real' friends are looking for.
5. People that call you pet names but don't know your last name
6. anyone that connected to you through any of the above.