Benefits of contributing are: National and International exposure, copies
of the collaboration cd that you can sell or give away, interviews
scheduled by the Choice Treasures team with Radio and periodical
All participants will be entitled to live real-time interviews on Gemjin©.
Contact information must be provided to our station for future bookings
and interviews. Top spot contributors are additionally entitled to 2 real
time interviews broadcast live and not less than 2 print journalist
interviews, (within 2 months of the release). All contributors will be
entitled to additional copies of the CD at a reduced rate. All
contributors must submit a photograph and a brief biography.
Copies of the collaboration will be distributed via our in house list of
internet and terrestrial radio DJ’s, digitally via Digital Distribution,
handed out to patrons of Choice Treasures, Intuitive Life Network, and
Gemjin Live Event participants, and more! To discuss this opportunity with
team leader Lucy Diamond send an email to ldiamond@choicetreasures.com
schedule a conference call. For consideration please send an mp3 of your
original recording to contact@choicetreasures.com
accepted entries will
receive an order form to reserve their spot on the collaboration.
#1 spot on the Gemjin Mix Tape: BEST OF will be featured on the station
throughout 2011. Top contributors will be featured on the CD Cover, press
releases, blogs, banners and articles; will receive 10 copies of the
compilation CD. Entrant must agree to be available for interviews on
Gemjin© Prior to and upon release of the project, including a feature
article in New York’s Elite Society Publication’ Society’s Choice’ with Dr
Shireen Fernandez, on Round Table Discussions with Lucy Diamond, as well
as affiliate station and publication interviews. ($600 contribution)
#2-3 (2 Spots) featured on the mix tape featured on the station throughout
2011. Top contributors will be featured on the CD Cover, press releases,
and blogs. Our tier 1 top contributor will receive 10 copies of the
compilation CD. Entrant must agree to be available for interviews on
Gemjin© Prior to and upon release of the project. ($400 contribution)
#4-5 (2 Spots) featured on the mix tape featured on the station throughout
2011, will be mentioned in blogs, articles, and press releases at the
discretion of the management. Contributor must agree to be available for
interviews on Gemjin© Prior to and upon release of the project. ($350
#6-10 (5 Spots) featured on the mix tape featured on the station
throughout 2011. Contributor will receive 5 copies of the compilation CD.
($275 contribution)
#11-16 (6 Spots) featured on the mix tape featured on the station
throughout 2011. Contributors will receive 5 copies of the compilation CD.
($100 contribution)
All production credits and ©owners will be printed with the track number
and song title on the inside cd sleeve, and embed on the mp3 in global
digital distribution.
All contributors will be allowed a 15 second drop to promote themselves on
the station.
Drops played on our station produce in excess of 70 000K Hits. That is the
low side of our historical response rate over the past 3 years with a
steady increase (tracked bi-annually).
I hope that helps your decision making!