Anyone who has said goodbye to another and witnessed the severing of the silver cord has stood beside themselves to watch.
Welcome Home to ME! My spirit, body and mind back in focus and one accord. How heavy am I that it took so many hands to hold me up for 8 weeks? American burger eater heavy, I think.
Godly Content, Carl from Choice Treasures, and Yogi Saji walked with the 3 pieces of me separately and kept them in tact. Krystal Deleon, the most beautiful woman in the world, took over shows for me while ON SET, and IN MAKEUP, or WARDROBE, organizing the show, lining up guests, and training a new producer on air. Amazing and beautiful, she has earned what she gets. I couldn't think of any way to repay her and 'thank you' just didn't seem enough. I went to mutual friend, we call him 'Boss Man' behind his back for this very reason; he took it over immediately and you will see how our team rewards one another here: http://conglomerate.esmartdesign.com/TDCDec2010.htm where Krystal Deleon graces the cover the hot magazine 'The Conglomerate'.
Anyone whose gotten the 'you hurt my feelings, was it on purpose?' phone call from Lucy D can sympathize with nationally recognized DJkSki from VA, National Mix it Man LG From the Bay, the Bootmob Records crew and several various CEO's in entertainment. Never have I felt more secure and safe in my life. I heard: "Its okay to to trip Mz Lucy cuz we got you"
Thank you and I love you, hardly seems enough. Welcome home, where the heart is; you too are never alone. Welcome home to me, all three of me, here in one piece once again because of many of you.
Lucy D
December, 03, 2010
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