My blog readers probably read my tweets, social network updates or view my video blog and wonder what does it mean to be a 'Chatter Chick'. Of course you don't have to be a girl to be a 'Chatter Chick' and that misconception is one of the top reasons why the group 'Chatter Chicks' is predominantly female.
The truth is Chatter Chick fans are fans of the radio show Ghost Chatter with the host Jimmy Morris, well that show and just about everything else Jimmy Morris produces. Only knowing why I myself am a chatter chick and not paying much thought to the minds of others, until now, my player is tuned in for the Wednesday night show religiously. With the recent advent of the 'Chatter Chick Union" page on Facebook, I have more than one male responder to my invites who rebut my kind gesture of friendship and inclusion with "EXCUSE ME I'M A GUY'.
I did what Lucy does and started to log and measure (as Lucy does) and came up with a "General Consensus" from both male and female "Chatter Chicks". The first thing we need to do is define our term. To "Chatter" means 'to say freely' which I think is self explanatory, its the 'Chick' part I had some struggle with, so I went to the males for clarity. Like a baby bird, seeing things from a fresh perspective was the most palatable definition I got, so I share that one and a few lines of feedback from our counter-contemporary "CHICKS".
Jimmy Morris is fair minded, uses good judgment, and never condemns even when he disagrees. His leadership qualities reflect a new generation of optimism. Morris stands for community in an easy going way that respects individuality and unique perspectives without any harsh definitions to box in an emerging market in a baby industry.
you believe in Ghosts, or just good men, join us on Wednesday nights at 8 PM (EST USA) where you will find a slew of like minded people. Log on to www.para-x.com and tell Jimmy hello.
To Become a chatter chick log on to face book and add: Ghost Chatter Chatter Chick Union Page http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=109186799105429
To view his website visit : http://www.tprt.org/
To listen to the podcast visit: www.ghostchatter.podomatic.com
Lucy Diamond
Choice Treasures Companies
781-325-4569 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 781-325-4569 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
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