New England, USA, Intuitive Life Network announced today the merging of services in metaphysical, psychic and paranormal research with that of world renowned affiliate Paranormal Society World. The launch of an amazing bi-continental preliminary screening of paranormal possibilities, hosted by MISS Lucy Diamond and National American Paranormal expert for Intuitive Life Network Jimmy Morris of Texas, USA will take place on Saturday May 15 2010 in a massive international multimedia project proposed by Mr. Johann Vlemmix of Holland, coordinated by ILN member Gert Brouwer begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting, who will interview and broadcast from the remote Holland location to Kentucky based Para X Vision internet broadcasting system. Cameo appearances by CC the Huntress, paranormal investigator, SMichael Leier Paranormal Producer, and others!
May 15 2 -5 pm (EDT) 7-10pm Holland time, Johan Vlemmix current owner of the house bought by Emiel Ratelband in which Emiel has never really lived, though why remains unclear; But things have become clear to Gert who arranged for this paranormal research broadcast from the house. There are many stories and eye witness accounts of amazing paranormal activity happening in the house. The stories that are heard of footsteps, objects moving, doors closed spontaneous, and a piano sounds in the house are amazing and intriguing to para-enthusiasts from around the globe. Find out if it is really ghosts in the house, possibly the ghost of Huissen himself! The house is a listed building and more than 400 years old. According to Gert it is possible that it is haunted. Therefore we will enter the house remotely from around the world to investigate. Hoping to come out with answers for those who want to hear and know.
Tune-in to the live on-line remote investigation by logging on to ILN Production’s presentation airing live on http://www.paraxvision.com
Levon Garvasi
Choice Treasures Company
781-325-4569 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 781-325-4569 end_of_the_skype_highlighting