Gone but not forgotten.

Last spring I was preparing an event called Glycagon Rescue.( Those connected to my pages will remember it I put so many banners out in my excitement.) Daniel Ouilette and Chuck Williams came out to perform for us, and I got some valuable autographs to auction off for diabetics management/awareness programs. As I was 'working the list' and creating connections with people for the event I came across familiar names; they were friends of a friend. I remembered our mutual friend that had passed away often. The fact that these people, who my friend had held in high esteem did not remember him, was to me, heartbreaking.
I thought, is that what happens when you die? Life goes on and people forget about you? There are so many people in my friends list on my profiles that have passed away. I still wish them happy birthday and a happy holiday on their pages. They were mostly people I held in high esteem or greatly respected for some reason. A great magical person I knew from wales once called me on skype to say that 'only people who have integrity can stand with you.' spirit told him to call me, of all the people in the world I was on his heart, just days before he passed away. So sure, sometimes there are valuable insights to the soul that cause us to remember those that have passed through the veil; but at other times the fleeting moments of a spark passing its light, more often even, They are forgotten too quickly. There is something to be said for the ancestors of old who taught reverence for the dead, respect for the ancestors, acknowledged of their existence. They guide us through the night in our dreams. Listen for them, and remember to remember them. In them, you will find strength that wont soon be forgotten. We don't have to become aware alone. As for me, I will remember those that are not forgotten, even the ones without a social site page.

watch the glycagon rescue video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZjIC7j1Q6s
#strength to you all
Thinking good stuff at you
Lucy D
offerings via pay pal to contact@Intuitivelifenetwork.org
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