To keep anyone interested, that might get confused in the near future, try to understand. The over-stressed, uneducated, thirsted and hungry people of Palestine, who can not go from one city to another for supplies, who have no police, and no military, no governors, no judges, no rights, no understanding or teachings but that of the KORAN, believe from the teachings that it is a terrible sin against God and against their loved ones to look upon their dead body or cry upon it. They bury their dead within hours for their belief and available teachings. Stressed and angry and insulted, I implore the people of PALESTINE and their 'block leaders' or 'gang lords' to not react. Know that the world is watching. Our science is more advanced and we rely on it more than religion; but like religion it is TRUTH for us. Beg your leaders, teach your wives and children to be patient and believe in the people of the world so that in turn we can believe in you. The world is watching. If you DO NOT DEFEND YOURSELF the world will not tolerate harm to come to you. Most people are good. Most humans have an earnest desire to give. Most people BELIEVE that world harmony is attainable.

Honor your teachers, your family heads, and your religious leaders. Lay down your stand and allow us to preserve your lives and the lives of your future generations.
The world is sick of your trouble; but it is YOUR TROUBLE. You are in God's hands. Submit to your situation and you will be delivered swiftly. Let 'Do not react' be your mantra. Stay calm and accept what ever your situation is with humility and gladness; and your deliverance will be swift. This exhumation is not to cause you distress. Please brothers and sisters be tolerant and patient with the God of science truth.
أختك، واحدة خلقها الله، مثلك، لتقديم السبب، أترك لكم لأنه بين يدي الله.
P2accademy of science website
P1.nbcnews website
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