One of my main concerns on long road trips, (and for me 'long' is anything over 15 minutes away), finding a suitable bathroom is it. Leaving Mass is a breeze, especially on the Eisenhower Road with the lovely rest areas every 14 miles or so. This time we followed the GPS and ended up miles off the highway looking for a 'clean enough' place to stop. Divine providence it was because these ladies can cook!!! This was the craziest awesome Italian lady's BBQ chicken with home-made mashed potato and yams. I sent out pictures of those yams to see who could identify what kind of 'vegetable' it was. No my friends, it was not from a 'tiny Asian penis plant' it was YAMS. They were sweet and amazing.
ANTHONY's 211 South Colony Road Wallingford CT. Great food, great service and authentic accents! Clean, comfortable, and cozy to sum it up.

Three words I can hardly use to describe my visit to Queens. I have no idea what anyone is beeping at all over the place. We saw two guys pull into a parking lot and sit there for 5 minutes getting angrier and angrier at each other for nothing. Why didn't one just let the other go. It made no sense and few people had manners. Feel a sense of community much?

Still, after the delight at Anthony's I determined I would eat whatever was put in front of me and give it a shot. What the hell I was thinking I will never know. As I dug into my fish dinner, paying $18 for 15 cent plate of rice, and fish that may have been caught off the bridge in a net and was dipped in batter and tossed in a fryer possibly ALIVE. I picked at it looking for meat and avoiding bones I realized it was looking at me! For real, those are batter dipped fish eyes still in it's head. They were on my plate and I did not throw up. I was very happy about that.
Several attempts to develop some sort of goal for what we were shooting, a pilot type of reality thing, interview style, something, were met with the response " go with the flow, Lucy' so I did. I floooooowed.
Wanting shots of herself dancing at a club we headed to a certain area of Queens and sat in the truck's safety for a few minutes observing the area. An unmarked car flew by us followed by no less than a dozen cop cars and what looked like swat vans. We witnessed the biggest drug bust in Queens in years. Lucky me! We headed in the opposite directions and met with DJDeacon. He was a big heart of a Teddy bear and saved the day of production. Check out the video short

The next day as we got ready to dead out to long Island the news was a flurry with the drug bust, then suddenly BREAKING NEWS that a man had jumped over several fences to pet a tiger and was mercifully mauled and not killed. Officials took great care to announce that the tiger was safe, and would not be punished for the mauling in any way.

We met with the family of this brave Shinnecock warrior, visited the 'Out-Post' for a dream catcher and a some Native novelties, and captured some great interview material for the next video. Lucy's field trip to the Shinnecock Nation. Coming soon to Gemjin.com/tv
contact me at ldiamond@choicetreasures.com
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