Sunday, September 23, 2012

My Trip to New York by Lucy Diamond

One of my main concerns on long road trips, (and for me 'long' is anything over 15 minutes away), finding a suitable bathroom is it. Leaving Mass is a breeze, especially on the Eisenhower Road with the lovely rest areas every 14 miles or so. This time we followed the GPS and ended up miles off the highway looking for a 'clean enough' place to stop. Divine providence it was because these ladies can cook!!! This was the craziest awesome Italian lady's BBQ chicken with home-made mashed potato and yams. I sent out pictures of those yams to see who could identify what kind of 'vegetable' it was. No my friends, it was not from a 'tiny Asian penis plant' it was YAMS. They were sweet and amazing. 

ANTHONY's 211 South Colony Road Wallingford CT. Great food, great service and authentic accents! Clean, comfortable, and cozy to sum it up. 

Three words I can hardly use to describe my visit to Queens. I have no idea what anyone is beeping at all over the place. We saw two guys pull into a parking lot and sit there for 5 minutes getting angrier and angrier at each other for nothing. Why didn't one just let the other go. It made no sense and few people had manners. Feel a sense of community much?

Still, after the delight at Anthony's I determined I would eat whatever was put in front of me and give it a shot. What the hell I was thinking I will never know. As I dug into my fish dinner, paying $18 for 15 cent plate of rice, and fish that may have been caught off the bridge in a net and  was dipped in batter and tossed in a fryer possibly ALIVE. I picked at it looking for meat and avoiding bones I realized it was looking at me! For real, those are batter dipped fish eyes still in it's head. They were on my plate and I did not throw up. I was very happy about that. 

Several attempts to develop some sort of goal for what we were shooting, a pilot type of reality thing, interview style, something, were met with the response " go with the flow, Lucy' so I did. I floooooowed. 
Wanting shots of herself dancing at a club we headed to a certain area of Queens and sat in the truck's safety for a few minutes observing the area. An unmarked car flew by us followed by no less than a dozen cop cars and what looked like swat vans. We witnessed the biggest drug bust in Queens in years. Lucky me! We headed in the opposite directions and met with DJDeacon. He was a big heart of a Teddy bear and saved the day of production. Check out the video short 

The next day as we got ready to dead out to long Island the news was a flurry with the drug bust, then suddenly BREAKING NEWS that a man had jumped over several fences to pet a tiger and was mercifully mauled and not killed. Officials took great care to announce that the tiger was safe, and would not be punished for the mauling in any way. 

 We met with the family of this brave Shinnecock warrior, visited the 'Out-Post' for a dream catcher and a some Native novelties, and captured some great interview material for the next video. Lucy's field trip to the Shinnecock Nation. Coming soon to

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Monday, September 17, 2012

I need ur 2 cents! * ?? HELP ?? ** real estate ?? insurance question??

** ?? HELP ?? ** real estate ??  insurance question?? 
 I heard about an insurance policy that citizens can acquire through town hall that would provide backup coverage, so that if you get sued you have immunity from loosing your house if your policy wasn't sufficient. There is a name for it but I cant remember it to research it more. Anyone have an idea what its called please reply. Thanks. 
Lucy D

Friday, September 14, 2012


one full week to state your case
marmalade dreams
how fun the chase

two words forward, five shy back
broken hearted
merge on track

one full week to wait and see
focused journey
to there go we

A September Poem

Thursday, September 13, 2012

life is like a box of chocolates

life IS like a box of chocolates
get greedy and you can get sick
partaking of wonders
vast of vary
not few
process bile stew.

life is like a box of chocolates
contained in one set place
safe keeping first
now few

Life is like a box of chocolates
hidden under some thing
time and its wither
length of days to rot
mummified in zanthem gum
worthless dainties of old.

Life is like a box of chocolates
cordial, cherry, or fair
shapes and colors
fillings and casings

Life is like a box of chocolates
momentary delights
half forgotten pleasures

a box full of empty wrappers

A poem by LDiamond

Monday, September 10, 2012

Accountability in humility

Holding people accountable for their actions is the most merciful answer; imo, always best. 

Whether we like it or not we are all dependent upon one another to play each role we serve because we are all in a society together. When those who do well for us are in place we pay homage and honor to them in various ways. It makes us feel good and  keeps us humble before one another. That keeps society in tact. It is respect.

 When someone does harm either of intention or action against the community we feel we must face this truth, speak this truth, and bring it to the attention of the harmful one and anyone who knows them.  Resolve sets in with the belief that people who lead people, people who mark the times of our society and steer humanity into the future, leaders should be held accountable and fingers point.

"Notwithstanding those of us who roam the streets of Boston often talking to ourselves and wondering why random strangers toss coins in our coffee; though 'outcasts' of the society are part of the community. In any case leadership is not expected of these. " 

An honored community member or a face on a bustling street, like everyone, it all starts at home. Our own lives, our homes are the very first communities we are a part of. Lead yourself! Self-government is what our fore-fathers called it. It is what we have control over. We face so many battles in these complex times. I often hear of people settling to 'pick and choose their battles wisely' because it seems there are so many battles.
 "We are so afraid to loose our jobs that more bullying happens in the office than anyone is seriously willing to admit. Especially minimum wage and low end paying jobs which most of us right now are thankful to have" 
There are complex battles of industry and policy and decisions that affect multitudes. They all depend on how the individuals in our society govern themselves at home. Make constant choices of accountability for yourself. Be accountable for your own words and actions.  Hold the people around you accountable for their words and actions. Let accountability humble you.  Allow it to and it will spread like wild-fire. When you hold yourself accountable every moment you never have to fear karma. When you hold others accountable you remove theirs.

You can never force another person to be accountable for themselves. 
You must choose for yourself. Each of us must choose where we stand and stand firm while allowing others to do the same. It's okay though because two can not occupy one space. There is plenty of room for everyone on the planet.

 Hold yourself accountable with you and your closest relationships and the world will take care of itself. 

Good Luck out there, life is hard, keep at it. 

Lucy Diamond

“There's no guarantee that justice will win out or that a noble sacrifice will make any difference. But when it does, there's something that still swells my chest. There's magic in that.... It tells me that's the way things are supposed to be. ” 
― Brent WeeksBeyond the Shadows

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Americans are strong because ...

Thank god we were able to get a grip on the wikki leaks thing, and the 99% thing that they used to try to start riots in America. Freedom of speech, individuality, honest self expression, and transparency. THAT is what AN AMERICAN is. We are not riotous ignorant thugs. Even our thugs have honor and codes.

We will NOT have a civil war in the united states.

All of our gangs are strong and organized. They are calm, patient and take orders well. The World will be amazed by how our "militia" stands up. WE WILL NOT BE INVADED. NOT EVER. Americans are Americans .. thats how we get to live in the greatest country in the world. NO ONE WILL PUSH US AROUND, NOR OUR NEIGHBORS.

We will not be invaded EVER as a nation. NOT EVER. Because we are Americans.

All of the third world countries who we have fed and clothed since the birth of our nation. All of the less fortunate that we have served as a nation has been forgotten. They have mistaken kindness for weakness.

The nations of the world that we have held in our bosoms and nursed back to health, stood before in open warfare and sacrificed lives for their freedoms, have taken us for granted. We are your heroes. We are Americans.

We brought your leaders before states and tables of men who are changers of lives bringing opportunity and strength and you spit in our food. We are Americans, We are strong. We do not kill flies with grenades. Be careful whose kindness you trample upon. We do not forget.

For all the starving children of the world Americans will now stand and strengthen their own. you have taken from the well and given nothing. Nations of the world we will pay our debt, we will re brandish our strength, we will stand in unity, we will survive. We are Americans.

Certain nations have gotten too close, and have seen the cracks in the plaster. Big fences make great neighbors they say. We pulled down our fences for mercy and justice and to help the nations of the world. Our pitty has been mistaken for stupidity. Our honor has been bludgeoned with half truths.
They have taught our children that we are the beast that rises up as a lamb omitting the truth that even a lamb fights death in the slaughter house of lies and injustice.

Thanks to US Cambodians, Laotians, Brazilians, Mexicans, English, Irish, German, French, Italian, African families have reason to HOPE. What do they hope for? That their children will make it to AMERICA.

Lies will not slaughter the truth. The truth is WE ARE AMERICANS.

We are black we are white, we are Indians, we are native, we are immigrants, we are from all parts of the world and WE ARE ONE. The only truth is WE ARE AMERICANS.

We do not have to picket and march and make spectacles of our selves. We do not need to air our dirty laundry in public. WE ARE AMERICANS.

We will take charge of new change, of transparency in government and effectuate those changes like the most powerful nation in the world. Because we ARE. We ARE because we are ONE, we are ONE because we are AMERICANS. E PLURIBUS UNIM. That's US!

Love, Lucy D
