Thank god we were able to get a grip on the wikki leaks thing, and the 99% thing that they used to try to start riots in America. Freedom of speech, individuality, honest self expression, and transparency. THAT is what AN AMERICAN is. We are not riotous ignorant thugs. Even our thugs have honor and codes.
We will NOT have a civil war in the united states.
All of our gangs are strong and organized. They are calm, patient and take orders well. The World will be amazed by how our "militia" stands up. WE WILL NOT BE INVADED. NOT EVER. Americans are Americans .. thats how we get to live in the greatest country in the world. NO ONE WILL PUSH US AROUND, NOR OUR NEIGHBORS.

We will not be invaded EVER as a nation. NOT EVER. Because we are Americans.
All of the third world countries who we have fed and clothed since the birth of our nation. All of the less fortunate that we have served as a nation has been forgotten. They have mistaken kindness for weakness.
The nations of the world that we have held in our bosoms and nursed back to health, stood before in open warfare and sacrificed lives for their freedoms, have taken us for granted. We are your heroes. We are Americans.

We brought your leaders before states and tables of men who are changers of lives bringing opportunity and strength and you spit in our food. We are Americans, We are strong. We do not kill flies with grenades. Be careful whose kindness you trample upon. We do not forget.
For all the starving children of the world Americans will now stand and strengthen their own. you have taken from the well and given nothing. Nations of the world we will pay our debt, we will re brandish our strength, we will stand in unity, we will survive. We are Americans.
Certain nations have gotten too close, and have seen the cracks in the plaster. Big fences make great neighbors they say. We pulled down our fences for mercy and justice and to help the nations of the world. Our pitty has been mistaken for stupidity. Our honor has been bludgeoned with half truths.
They have taught our children that we are the beast that rises up as a lamb omitting the truth that even a lamb fights death in the slaughter house of lies and injustice.
Thanks to US Cambodians, Laotians, Brazilians, Mexicans, English, Irish, German, French, Italian, African families have reason to HOPE. What do they hope for? That their children will make it to AMERICA.
Lies will not slaughter the truth. The truth is WE ARE AMERICANS.

We are black we are white, we are Indians, we are native, we are immigrants, we are from all parts of the world and WE ARE ONE. The only truth is WE ARE AMERICANS.
We do not have to picket and march and make spectacles of our selves. We do not need to air our dirty laundry in public. WE ARE AMERICANS.
We will take charge of new change, of transparency in government and effectuate those changes like the most powerful nation in the world. Because we ARE. We ARE because we are ONE, we are ONE because we are AMERICANS. E PLURIBUS UNIM. That's US!
Love, Lucy D