I have a strong network at IntuitiveLifeNetwork.org you can check the members section to find out about who is actively involved in the programs. There has been a flurry of activity and the website will be updated some day soon.
The next most exciting group I am connected to is New England SEERS, a psychic entertainment troup. (also members of ILN)
ILN has two shows on the number one network of our genre,and both are in the top ten for listenership and overall distribution capabilities. Ive been hosting, producing and broadcasting on the network for a year ( www. Para-x.com ) My show is in the first season of the first fully funded show on the network. It is very exciting to be excelling in any field, never mind in several concurrantly. Our shows boast the most wonderful humanitarians serving the world community I have ever met. Im very proud of everyone.
Anyway, Choice Treasures is the fun part. I get to work with promoters and talent from all over the world and match them up. The exciting part is that I have my hand in several industries. The long end of that might get a little boring though.
check out www.choicetreasures.com. Honestly, I would love to field questions about that site, as I do a content review. Although I work with some very big names in certain fields, fashion, publishing, paranormal, music, film, production and more .. see it get boring fast ... smh ...
Im not bragging Im just saying. Watch that site if you favorite sites. Any feedback as I develop content and add musicians, management companies, agents it will come together. Support the shows!
Lou C Diamond (AKA Lucy Diamond)
Represented by: Choice Treasures Levon Garvasi
For interviews, bookings serious inquiries only
978-325-4569 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 978-325-4569 end_of_the_skype_highlighting contact (at) choicetreasures.com
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