H3665 ~ obey the existing law ! BS ~ write a bill to fine&punish *fill the jails with bureaucrats
UCLA MA Writes on their website"
Scare tactics threaten to kill a widely supported bill that would fix Massachusetts’ broken public records law, which often leaves the media, good government groups, environmental protection and health care groups and other organizations in the dark.
Executive director Carol Rose sets the record straight in MetroWest Daily, writing:
The proposed fix to the law would bring Massachusetts in line with 47 other states and the federal law by enabling courts to award attorney’s fees to people who are forced to go to court to obtain the public records to which they are already entitled.
The bill, An Act to Improve Public Records, would not change the basic requirements of the law—there’s no new “mandate.” Instead, the bill would require that local bureaucrats obey the existing law. It also would help local city and town clerks do their job by creating incentives for government to bring their departments into the digital age.
Read her op-ed, Fixing the public records law: http://www.metrowestdailynews.com/article/20150717/OPINION/150716791/?Start=1
did you see that?
" the bill would require that local bureaucrats obey the existing law. "
I would be in support of a PUNISHMENT and HEAVY FINES for OBSTRUCTION against the bureaucrats even more so than this BS "give me my rights" whining waver. Democracy my arse ... its a farm and they are sheep herders leading us to the slaughter, one at a time, by by day.
http://www.house.gov/representatives/find/ BE ACCOUNTABLE HOLD OTHERS ACCOUNTABLE |
HOLD DOCTORS ACCOUTNABLE http://www.drugabuse.gov/drugs-abuse/prescription-drugs-cold-medicines
HOLD THE FDA ACCOUNTABLE http://www.loc.gov/law/help/restrictions-on-gmos/usa.php
and .. STOP THE EXCESSIVE UTILITY FEES!!!! if you Use $3 worth of gas and PAY $38 because of DELIVERY FEES and TAXES THIS IS legal THEFT
Support REFORM
and it starts with information!! Get some, share some, support those that need some.
https://aclum.org/uncategorized/no-one-is-above-the-law-when-it-comes-to-government-transparency/ |