Did any of you online catch the manipulative neuro linguistic programming being injected into the self-discovery conversation? Not on-line, YOUR INTERNAL conversation. Read this first ...
Bolls research also looked at how people with different personality types use online media sources differently.
His results suggest there are two types of online media consumers. The first have "reward-seeking" personalities and are more likely to read news online or on mobile devices. They're also likely to engage with websites by leaving comments on stories and uploading user-generated content.
Bolls calls the second type of consumers "threat avoiders." Those individuals may passively view news online from time to time, but don't seek out online news or stay on sites as long as reward seekers do. ~Mashable http://mashable.com/2013/03/08/brain-friendly-website-design/

Ahh the power of 'yellow journalism' and unspoken connotations!! "Reward seeking" implies 'needy', in the negative and those of you who are professional on-line engagers. A news commentary put a label on a broad group of on-liners by describing them as 'lonely' people who need to get a life. We have two whole generations that grew up digitally adept and I wonder: do you take personal offense to the 'older generation' labeling your skill-set and life-style in the negative?

Social network marketing success is imperative to the success of virtual finance and will be for as long as the web is alive and free. It will always grow. In light of that fact, do you wonder how many non-engagers are actually afraid to engage and afraid to leave evidence of their consciousness? Is this not self-doubt and self-loathing at it's finest? Are those who stay silent, hidden, and anonymous MORE or LESS likely to go mad, unchecked ..... ? who knows what? ...
Freedom of conscience is imperative for all freedom especially that of self expression. Do you feel our society is being 'programmed' to shut up, be afraid, and stay disconnected?
Lou C Diamond
www.masterlucy.com Founder of New England SEERs psychic guild Master Lucy is availabel for Readings, Reiki and one on one sessions via skype* telephone* available for travel *group session price *booking now