Often times we see the 'crazies' and the 'mis-understood' as lunatics that we as 'normals' have somehow risen above. As we claim license to 'bully' and malign the reputations of others; calling them to the fore-front and forming harsh twisted opinions of them, we must hold ourselves accountable to
adult bullying. We play into the hands of the media moguls when ever they bully anyone just by paying attention.

It is better sometimes to turn the blind-eye and ignore that which we do not understand, do not care to know about, or do not know enough about to respond.
In other words, shut-up and watch the moves people make. There is no need to jump on a band-wagon of any sort, that is, unless you like
your life to be like a carnival in which case you may by all means move on to the next town.
Not many of us can call ourselves
PEERS of Donald Trump.
Perhaps we should let the bored and lonely old man have a quiet spot on the playground all of his own. Who knows, maybe he can build a sand-castle or develop a cool new maneuver on the jungle gym, that benefits all. Some might want to keep an eye on him (lest he fall and can' no longer get up alone to say the least of our ole' rooster friend who is
no spring chicken.
Watching my favorite celebrity of all time
bully Donald Trump (who was not present to defend himself) and suggest his show be taken off air was a sad minute for me. I felt
bad for Donald Trump, who is a rich and bored old man. He probably has never known true friendship but for his children, if that. Anyone who knows him wants to borrow the finger with the Midas touch and use him but for a moment. How many people can really understand the stride of his shoe to judge him fairly or accurately?

I do not want to join my idol in bullying
Donald Trump with opinions nor draw attention to him with defenses in his name. I will wait and watch like everyone else.
Though I am putting my money on a young marketer coming up with this latest media flash as an attempt to to keep Donald Trump relevant while placing him in a national political position; maybe it is just a business move. Could there be
that little connection from Donald Trump's brain to his heart? He is, after all, human. It can be at the top. Perhaps we
should just leave him alone.
read: Donald Trump's big announcement
LouC Diamond, Reiki Master teacher, Founder, Intuitive Life Network; Charter Member, New England SEERs; Producer, Gemjin Global Digital Broadcast